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Sections of an Issue "Thread"

There will be some procedure for identifying issues of importance. Initially there will be a certain number that can be "formatted" by the staff, and these will be chosen by the staff based on their knowledge and interest. As soon as there is sufficient staff, then the important issues will be chosen by the popular vote of the Users and once an issue is determined to be important, it will be formatted as discussed below. The staff will be responsible for setting up the initial pages, Summary, Discussion Group, etc. and for contacting mediating individuals and special interest sites who will be responsible for running the issue pages.

For each issue of importance the site will:

In addtion to the main path of the site, there will be a "links" page for each issue, that contains all the sites that are Pro/Con on the issue, as well as articles that discuss the issue.

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June 24, 2004 2:38