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Issues presented by the Mayor's "Ad Hoc Retail Committee" of Palo Alto
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Retail related Issues that can be impacted by the City of Palo Alto (Discussion)

There were 15 ideas presented and the top 5 were identified. The public was given the opportunity to contribute their ideas and comments. Note: I have opened up a Blog discussion area that is available for anyone to make comments. and can be reviewed by the members of the Retail Council

Ideas to address retail related issues in Palo Alto (from 4/15/04 meeting)

1. Act on retail requests, expansions or improvements if within
   guidelines without further approvals

2. Improve cleanliness in business districts

3. Support different local business/merchant association
   * Develop merchant groups
   * Web-based bulletin board (registration for data base)-complaints,
     best practices, technical assistance resources
   * Training for small retailers
   * Another BID (Business Improvement District)
   * Explore Coordinated Retail Management (for business districts,
     and citywide)

4. Develop funding and staffing for retail initiatives
   * Explore additional funding sources (e.g.,TLC,CDBG,TOT)

5. Recruit compatible businesses to fill out or complement existing retail mix
   * Incentives?
   * Focus on distinct business areas

6. Better promote existing parking in Downtown
   * Move permit parking to top level
   * Better signage

7. Promote visitor services
   * Improve coordination between Stanford Research Park and local
     hospitality and retail sector
   * Provide maps (web-based and paper for local business districts)
     o Downloadable on PDA
     o Color code

8. Develop facade programs in targeted areas

9. Create displays in vacant retail stores

10. Look at signage issues, especially temporary signs
   * On El Camino
     o cross street signs
     o signs for parking behind buildings

11. Develop preference system for local purchasing by city

12. Educate larger community about benefits of retail sector
   * Speakers bureau
   * CityPages
   * Recognition of local retailers

13. Enhance "Shop Palo Alto"
   * Inventory what's available (on web)

14. Address homeless problems which hurt business

15. Business Registry


I am putting up this page, but have not fully checked it or filled it out with the material presented in the June 11-th meeting. I hope to update it as I have time or others Email me more information. The Blog topic is open so that anyone who is interested in adding comments., suggesting more issues/actions, etc. can make them there. mailto: support,Mail

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June 15, 2004 13:00