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A unofficial HUB for Mayor's "Ad Hoc Retail Committee" of Palo Alto's
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WeMatter.com > Issues > PaloAlto City Council > Mayor's "Ad Hoc Retail Committee"

Mayor Bern Beecham has formed an Ad Hoc Retail Committee to discuss ways to improve the retail community in Palo Alto. They held a meeting on July 11, 2004 to discuss the situtation and request suggestions from the community.

This page is a personal effort to provide a HUB for this council so that people who are interested can see what information is available about this subject and discuss the various issues and proposals.

It is not authorized by the official Committee or any other organization involved but until the official site is setup I would hope that people could use this to interact, and I am open to suggestions, thoughts, corrections, etc. to allow the internet communication proceed. Please Email me if you have information that should be on this site, contacts for people who are interestd in hearing about topics on this site, etc. Mailto:Suggestions@WeMatter.com



Information presented on June 11, 2004 (TBD)


Bern Beecham Mayor of Palo Alto

Palo Alto Chamber of Commerce

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June 15, 2004 13:02